Jumat, 28 Agustus 2015

Very bright morning. The sun was shining beautifully. Farmer preparing to go to the fields with very happy with shouldering a hoe.'' I will go to the fields to inspect the garden cucumber, maybe tomorrow can be harvested. ''Arriving in the garden cucumber Mr. Farmer was very surprised. Cucumber in the garden much damaged.'' Oh who would dare ruin this my cucumber fruit. Why should be destroyed? I'm not a stingy farmer who, if anyone want my cucumber take it. But not to be vandalized ''Folklore fable of the hare is cool to eat cucumbers
With a heart somber Farmer home. He wondered whether animals that like to eat cucumber.'' Definitely animals that destroy and steal my garden cucumber is the hare '. Murmured Mr. Farmer.Farmer find a way to trap the hare. Farmer finally managed to find a way to trap the hare with making the puppets were given a very strong adhesive. By late afternoon the doll has been created and brought into the middle of the garden cucumber in pairs.'' I know the deer are very clever animals, he could do anything to steal my cucumber ''.It turns out Mr. Farmer's conjecture is correct, the next night the hare came to pick cucumbers. Hare laugh to see the puppets are made to Farmer.'' Haha .. just a scarecrow, who fear? ''
deer hit the scarecrowHare just past the doll. He ate cucumber young ones. Apparently not much on eating the hare. Only 3 cucumber he'd feel full. He also does not damage the other cucumber.After eating cucumber. Hare approached the puppets are made to Farmer, and the mischievous nature of the hare. He was at the doll with front legs.'' Oh ... why cling like this? My legs can not move! '' Hare was shocked.!'' Hey scarecrow ugly. Remove the legs. If not, would I hit you again! 'Hare hit the doll with the other leg.'' Plaque! '' Is now his legs sticking tightly to dress the doll.Adhesives in pairs Mr Farmer in the clothes the doll is very strong. Hare could not escape. Desperately he tried but did not succeed. Hare cried all night.The next morning Mr. Farmer coming.'' My you catch the hare. Basic culprit. You may take out my cucumber Cil. But not to damage the other fruit. '''' Forgive me Mr. Farmer. Not me who spoil your cucumber, I only eat 2-3 cucumber. And my stomach was feeling very satisfied.Mr. Farmer could not believe the words of the hare. Hare tied by the neck and dragged Mr. Farmer to his home.
ireng dog pack farmer was surprised to see deer in bracketsArriving at the house of Mr Tani, hare immediately placed in a cage of chicken.''Mouse Deer . This stone is very strong. You can not escape from here. I'll go briefly to the market to buy spices satay. '''' Forgive me Mr. Farmer, I do not satay. Flesh bitter and unpalatable. "The hare beg forgiveness.At the time of Mr. Farmer went to the market to buy spices satay, there is a dog is a pet cage Farmer came over the hare. The black dog named Ireng.'' Why are you in the brackets? '' Asked the Ireng.'' Do not you know Reng? '' Hare reply to questions Si Ireng Dogs owned by Mr. Tani.'' Tell me what actually Cil? '''' Look Reng, I will be made law by Mr. Farmer. Mangkannya Farmer went to the market to buy food tasty delicious for me prospective in-laws. '''' Huh ..? You do not deserve it Cil, your body is small. I'd better just being in-law Mr. Farmer. I've had years of being a pet '''' But Mr. Farmer has chosen me Reng. Already there Ireng you go! ''The menggerang Ireng suddenly angry, '' Cil, if you do not want me to replace the now existing stone on top of the shortfall would I push and I'll bite your neck off. '''' Wow .. Do not be so dong! ''''Do you want it or not?'''' All I obey your wishes. ''The hare ran desperately to evade the ireng and farmer pack
The Ireng push the stone to fall, the cage was open and the hare out of the cage. While Ireng menggantikkan hare into the cage.'' Congratulations Ireng, soon you will become law Farmer. '' The word hare while running fast.A moment later Mr. Farmer came. He was very surprised to see the hare who are in confinement turns into Ireng pet dog.'' Yours sincerely prospective in-laws. '' The word dog happily.'Candidate-law say? Hey you kemanakan the hare. '' Farmer asked in a huff.'' It's gone into the jungle to Farmer! '''' You really want to be in-law? ''' That's right sir. '' The answer Ireng happily.'' Now get out of confinement, the sweet lau sit and close your eyes. I'll call my daughter in the house. ''Ireng immediately comply with the request of Mr. Farmer. She was very happy because finally he could be the family of Mr. Farmer.'' It's a gift for you! '' Cried the Farmer hit the dog's head and back.''Stooooop ...! Bleg! Bleg!. soooooory ..! ''The Ireng screaming and melarikkan themselves. He realized that the ruse had been trapped in the hare. He was very angry because it deceived the hare. '' Woe to you hare will see later if I bite you! '' Ireng very angry at the deception of the hare. The whole body is still aching after clubbed Mr. Farmer. Run very fast dog chasing the hare.Hare already tried to run as fast as he could. But the speed of the hare is not yet comparable to Ireng a hunting dog, then in a few moments Si Ireng could already be behind.'' Well distress. Ireng already behind me, '' said the hare in the liver. '' I have to hide. ''

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